Blood and Body Fluids: Why You Should Get a Trained Person to Clean Up
Bloodshed is the result of most injuries – big or small. Blood and body fluid cleanup is no task you should be taken upon yourself. You need to get a trained person to clean these up. Professionals will provide the right kind of sanitation and restore your residential safety. Proper handling is important, as is proper disposal. Here are some reasons why you should get a trained person to clean up blood or bodily fluids:
· Because it is safer – federal regulations are followed.
· Because it is traumatic to do so yourself in the wake of a homicide or suicide.
· Because professionals know the proper procedures of disposal of all kinds of waste.
· Because they belong to licensed companies who deal directly with insurance companies and you will face lower costs.
Risk If You Don’t Hire A Trained Person
Accidents that involve blood or other biohazards pose safety risks and improper cleaning can have serious consequences on your health and the health of those around you. Blood and body fluids such as saliva, urine, vaginal fluid, and semen can contain viruses that can be passed on to other people. Contact with these without protective gear is hazardous.
Here are the risks if you don’t properly get these fluids cleaned up:
· Risk of HIV
· Hepatitis B or C
· Blood borne illnesses
The risk of infection is higher if your skin is punctured or broken as you come into contact with infected blood. There’s a lower risk of infection if the blood comes in contact with your mouth, eyes, or nose. There’s very little risk of infection if the blood comes into contact with unbroken skin. Either way, you should report the exposure and get it checked right away.
In case of contact, do the following:
· Clean the exposed region thoroughly.
· Seek instant attention and evaluation.
· Review the record of immunization of the exposed person.
· Refer the suitable medical care, evaluation, and post-exposure follow-up treatment to the affected person.
It’s also important to contact a trained individual to do cleaning as they will have the equipment needed to thoroughly clean the area where the blood or body fluids are present. This includes disposable gloves, towels, and disinfectants.
Bio-one Duval County can help you in this regard. We offer services for trauma and biohazard scenes such as suicide cleanup, blood spill cleanup and decomposition, and cleanup after there has been a death in the area. All these can lead to serious health problems if not dealt with properly. We realize the extent of the harm they can cause which is why we make it a point to always provide professional, safe, and thorough services.
Happy Holidays! It seems like it was just the 4th of July, and here we are practically in December. And with December comes holiday celebrations and gatherings. The last thing you should be worrying about is mold. Luckily, Bio-One can take care of your mold problems, eliminating them at the source.
Bio-One of Duval County is pleased to announce we recently completed our Mold Certification and are now offering complete mold remediation services, in addition to our biohazard and hoarding cleanup services.
With our high humidity and generally warm temperatures, Florida provides an ideal environment for mold to grow. Simply cleaning up mold isn’t enough. It must me stopped at the source or it will continue to grow back.
Symptoms of Mold Exposure
Where does mold grow?
Our mold removal team is trained, certified and licensed in the state of Florida in mold remediation. We always follow EPA guidelines for the safe removal and disposal of mold and mold affected items. We have a guaranteed response time and will get the situation under control fast.
For all your mold remediation needs, contact Bio-One of Duval County. We are locally owned and operated, as well as licensed and insured.
We often get asked “How do I cleanup after a compulsive hoarder?” Here are some things you can do if you’ve got a similar situation on your hands.
If The Job Is Too Overwhelming
Mild hoarding situations can be handled by the family, in a lot of cases. However, most are just too much for the family to deal with, both physically and emotionally. Hiring professionals for the cleanup can mitigate many of the issues it may be best to call in the professionals. Bio-One of Duval County provides professional hoarding cleanup services and we’re here to help you. For the times when cleaning up is outside of your comfort zone, or could even be dangerous to your health or the health of others, give us a call at +1(904)778-5125.
We are insured and certified for the safe cleanup and removal of biohazards. We know how sensitive hoarding situations can be and we promise to be empathetic and respectful, and will return the home to a safe, livable environment.
Contact Us Anytime, Day or Night
We’re here 24/7 to answer your questions and offer help. Click the button to get in touch!
Bio-One® is a nationally trusted name in biohazard cleaning. We specialize in the cleanup and restoration of property that has been contaminated as the result of a crime, disaster or misuse. We’ll handle your situation discreetly and with empathy and respect.
Bio-One® locations are individually owned and operated. We are certified and insured and follow the most up to date COVID guidelines set forth by the CDC and state and local governments for the health and safety of our customers and employees.
When you need help, contact Bio-One®. You’ll always speak with an owner when you call, and never a call center. Our motto is “Helping first, business second”, and we mean it!
Tips For Overcoming Depression
+ Bio-One Joins Forces with AFSP
November 12, 2021
The holiday season is approaching and for many it means a time of sadness. It could be because you lost a loved one recently ( or not so recently) and it is hard to face this time of year with them gone. Perhaps you’ve had a recent breakup, or your kids are with your ex this year. Maybe you’re in a new town and don’t know anyone to spend the holidays with. It might be that you’ve got (or will get) COVID and have to quarantine alone. No matter the reason, the point is that if you’re feeling depressed there are things that you can do to lift your spirits.
Life is what we make of it. We can let our circumstances take us down, or we can choose to not let that happen. The tips for overcoming depression below were originally posted on social media by Sara Rose, an elementary music teacher. Some of the tips have been edited from their original version for readability.
Take a shower or a bath. Use water as hot or cold as you like. You don’t even need to wash. Just get in under the water and let it run over you for a while. Sit on the floor if you gotta.
Moisturize every inch of your body. Use your favorite lotion, or use the one you keep for special occasions. Unscented? Dollar store lotion? Fancy 48 hour lotion that makes you smell like a field of wildflowers? Use whatever you want, and use it all over your entire dermis.
Put on clean, comfortable clothes starting with underwear that make you feel good. Cute black lacy panties? Those ridiculous boxers you bought last christmas with candy cane hearts on the butt? Put them on.
Drink cold water. Use ice. If you want, add some mint or lemon for an extra boost. Make it fancy, like you’d get at a spa.
Clean something. Doesn’t have to be anything big. Organize one drawer of a desk. Wash five dirty dishes. Do a load of laundry. Scrub the bathroom sink.
Blast music. Listen to something upbeat and dancey and loud, something that’s got a lot of energy. Sing to it as loud as you want, dance to it, even if you suck at both.
Make food. Don’t just grab a granola bar to munch. Take the time and make a meal. Even if it’s ramen. Add something special to it, like a soft boiled egg or some veggies. A good, hot, home cooked meal you made yourself always tastes way better, and you’ll feel like you accomplished something.
Create something. Write a short story or a poem, draw a picture, color in a coloring book, fold origami, crochet or knit, sculpt something out of clay, anything artistic. Even if you don’t think you’re good at it- you don’t have to share it with anyone if you don’t want to. Just create.
Go outside. Take a walk. Sit in the grass. Look at the clouds. Smell flowers. Put your hands in the dirt and feel the soil against your bare skin. Nature is renewing for the soul.
Call someone. Call a loved one, a friend, a family member, call a chat service if you have no one else to call. Talk to a stranger on the street. Have a conversation and listen to someone else’s voice. If you can’t bring yourself to call, text or email or whatever, just have some social interaction with another person. Even if you don’t say much, listen to them. It helps. There’s probably someone you can think of who feels down this holiday season, as well. Maybe it is a neighbor, someone in a nursing home, a coworker, the homeless person you see everyday.
Cuddle your pets if you have them/can cuddle them. Take pictures of them. Talk to them. Tell them how you feel (pets are the best listeners), about your favorite movie, a new game coming out, anything.
While it might seem small or silly to some, this list keeps people alive.
*** At your absolute best, you won’t be good enough for the wrong people. But at your worst, you’ll still be worth it to the right ones. Remember that. Keep holding on.
*** In case nobody has told you today, I love you and you are worth your weight gold, so be kind to yourself and, most of all, KEEP PUSHING ON!!!!
Find something to be grateful for and take the time to express your gratitude
While it is easy for us to get wrapped up in our own little worlds, remember that there is someone out there who genuinely cares about you. You make someone's life better just because you’re in it. There is no one else like you. You have something that no one else has that can make this world a better place. Find it and use it to help others. Helping someone less fortunate than you is good for the soul. You have the power to change someone’s future. Sometimes a smile or kind word from a stranger can change the course of someone’s life.
Everyone is hurting about something. We all carry a burden. Remember that as you navigate this life and do your best to be kind. We get what we give.
Bio-One of Duval County is a proud sponsor of the “Out of the Darkness Jacksonville Walk”. We invite you to join us and the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention on November 13, 2021 from 9am-12pm to raise money and awareness for this cause.
Registration is free. Sign up, get more information and donate at We hope to see you there!
The California Police Athletic Federation (CPAF) is proud to announce that the 2021 United States Police & Fire Championships (USPFC) are now Presented by Bio-One, Inc.
Operating under the motto, "Help First, Business Second," Bio-One provides high-level decontamination and biohazard cleanup services while offering clients the privacy and compassion needed at difficult times. Bio-One operates in 41 states with over 110 locations and is committed to providing first-class service.
"We are thrilled to add Bio-One as the Presenting Sponsor for the 2021 USPFC because First Responders warrant our support," said California Police Athletic Federation President LC Collins. "Bio-One’s reputation is second to none, and with their partnership, we can offer first responders a health and wellness outlet. We look forward to working with them for years to come."
Founded by San Diego Police Lieutenant Veon "Duke" Nyhus, The United States Police & Fire Championships were first held in San Diego in 1967. Duke recognized the need to promote physical fitness and camaraderie among the Public Safety and First Responder community members.
The USPFC caters to active and retired public safety and first responders who participate in Olympic-style competitions and open to individuals representing firefighters, law enforcement, and officers from corrections, probation, border protection, immigration, and customs across the country. Traditionally athletes compete in 45+ sporting events from biathlon to motocross across 35+ venues in Southern California.
"At Bio-One our support for Law Enforcement and Fire Service Officers is unwavering, and we're thrilled to partner with the California Police Athletic Federation during this memorable event," said Nick-Anthony Zamucen, founder of Bio-One. "We wish each athlete success and look forward to celebrating these everyday heroes."
The 2021 USPFC Presented by Bio-One will take place from June 10th to the 19th in venues across San Diego, California, and strengthen the relationship between First Responders and the community for many years to come!
About the United States Police and Fire Championships
The California Police Athletic Federation (CPAF) is the parent organization of two multi-sport programs designed for peace officers and firefighters. The World Police & Fire Games (WPFG) are open to active and retired law enforcement and fire service personnel throughout the world. The United States Police & Fire Championships (USPFC) are open to active or retired public safety and first responder personnel from an eligible agency within the USA. For more information, please visit
Hoarding is a very real and serious problem that is more than just the dramatized version we see on TV. You may have a decent idea of how dangerous hoarding could be to live in a hoarder’s house. However, what you don’t know is that cleaning up after a hoarder can be just as dangerous.
Often, the people around a hoarder – friends and family, etc. – could be tempted to clean the mess up by themselves. After some time, they may realize that it is not something they can handle on their own, especially if they’ve gone into it impulsively, without any plan of action. Not only is it a challenge on its own, but it also poses various risks that may not be visible on the surface but can have long-lasting effects.
One of the more apparent risks of hoarding cleanup is the exposure to sanitation problems. Cluttered homes are challenging to clean, because of the number of things to get through, which makes other cleaning activities such as dusting, vacuuming, and trash removal difficult, especially if the hoarder keeps bringing in more and more things.
As dirt collects in larger quantities, the environment becomes the ideal breeding ground for harmful germs, bacteria, and other microbes. Trash may build-up, and food may rot; this could release hazardous fumes and byproducts. If you take up the task of cleaning a hoarder’s house without adequately equipping yourself, you could be exposing yourself to all the dangerous microorganisms that could cause diseases.
Any decomposing material or rotting food within the clutter could attract rodents and pests, which can then start to build their communities and remain hidden among all the hoarded items. These pests can be biohazardous, often carriers of multiple diseases. Besides this, during the hoarding cleanup, you may have to deal with removing them (dead or alive) and cleaning up their urine, feces, and any other bodily fluids, which are serious biohazards.
Sometimes, a hoarder’s compulsion includes hoarding animals, which makes the issue that much more sensitive. Animal hoarding can be extremely unhealthy and dangerous for the animals and the people living in the same space. Feces, urine, and any other filth put all the living things at risk. Attempting a hoarding cleanup when there are biohazards involved can make the task much more dangerous as you could be exposing yourself to bacteria, viruses, and other pathogens.
Safely maneuvering through all the clutter can be difficult, and if you are not careful, you could easily injure yourself. Not only that, but with so many things in one space, they may all be unstable and at risk of toppling over any moment, which could also cause injuries, and even trap you in. If you’re going at it alone, you may not even have someone around to help you out.
Suicide Scene: How to Manage Cleanup
Suicides can be an extremely traumatic experience for the family and friends of the victim. As difficult as this time is, it is important to know how to properly manage the cleanup that’s required after the episode.
Let’s find out the ways you can ease things if the traumatic incident has taken place.
Dealing with the Situation
The path to recovery from trauma is difficult, but it is not impossible.
While decision-making may seem difficult, it is important to allow for a cleanup of the scene. Spilled blood or body fluid needs to be cleaned as soon as possible.
Sometimes, relatives of the deceased gather and attempt to clean the place on their own. This is dangerous because there’s always a possibility of contracting a disease.
Even if some material is to be removed, it should be done with gloves and other relevant tools.
Don’t Delay the Cleanup
The trauma related with a suicide might make it difficult to begin the cleanup at once. However, a dead body left unattended for long periods of time can cause health hazards.
This is because decomposition of the human body occurs rapidly after a person dies. Trillions of bacteria that live inside begin to cause decay as soon as the heart stops working.
Crucial Steps to Suicide Cleanup
The first important step is to evaluate the incident of suicide. This includes estimating how long the body has remained unattended. Areas that are the most affected should be cleaned first.
Some of the biological substances need immediate removal for prevention of biological hazards. Any material that remained in the possession of the deceased also needs to be inspected.
After the body is removed, a disinfection of the surrounding areas is necessary to rule out possible infections. This step requires special attention to details so that no residue is left behind.
Unattended Death
If the death is not attended for several days, then the body fluids become difficult to clean. This situation requires cleanup by professionals in all areas of the affected space.
Seek Professional Assistance
As suicide is a sensitive subject, those doing the cleanup should be trained accordingly. Further, the services being provided should be insured to avoid financial difficulties.
Bio-One is a biohazard remediation company that offers suicide cleanup. It is partnered with local authorities and law enforcement agencies to provide a hassle-free service to its clients.
Suicide is a traumatic experience, but also requires prompt practical steps to clean up the scene. An unattended death can cause several hazards for every household member.
Remember, a few practical steps taken for cleanup can have long term benefits. So make the right decision today!
Hoarding Cleanup Companies: How Can They Help?
Having the assistance of a hoarding cleanup company at your doorstep brings great relief. They offer a variety of services that you can benefit from.
But what causes hoarding?
Hoarding-A Problematic Habit:
The primary cause of hoarding is to delay disposal of unwanted items. These objects may occupy large areas of a house and cause biohazards for the residents.
A continued behavior of delaying waste disposal results in a hoarding disorder. You don’t want to part with the items because you feel that the hoarded items are going to be reused one day.
This problematic habit affects cleanliness and results in various health conditions in the long run. Hoarding also affects those in the neighborhood, especially when the items are accumulated in the backyard or near the street.
Smart Ways to Avoid Hoarding
Adapting to a few smart methods ensures that no unwanted items are accumulated. The first step here is to classify and dispose items as soon as they are generated.
Designating a small box or a place to keep such items can also limit them to a great extent. These should then be disposed at a particular time of the day regularly. As a smart tactic you can clean a room with the least amount of items, first.
It is also always advised to wear safety gloves or masks in order to avoid contact with any bacteria at an affected place.
Hoarding can also be prevented by donating the items that can be reused, and making this a regular practice.
Don’t wait for the items to accumulate before you begin tidying the place or reach out to the professionals. Instead, maintain a regular routine.
Get Professional Help
Removing the hoarded items on your own may worsen the situation due to the related health risks. Many places require deep cleaning with the help of special tools and equipment.
Choose a company that’s experienced in biohazard remediation, as they have more expertise than ordinary cleaning personnel.
Duval County Hoarding offers hoarding cleanup services through trained technicians at your doorstep. The company evaluates the situation, decides the right course of action and does the cleanup.
The company is also experienced in animal hoarding clean up and disinfecting following a cleanup.
Hoarding can turn into a big problem. Not only does it take up so much space but it can also cause health hazards. Asking for professional assistance becomes mandatory when the situation gets too way out of hand.
Setting a regular schedule and maintaining a checklist can help you achieve your objectives in a timely and efficient manner.
Remember, the solution does not lie in only cleaning up, but in breaking the habit of hoarding altogether. Good luck!
Why You Should Hire a Bio Company to Clean Up the Coronavirus
With the fear of a global pandemic spreading all over the world, the demand for cleanup services to disinfect homes and company spaces is growing. With the infection rate of COVID-19 being as high as it is, and how unfamiliar it remains, you need to make sure to take the necessary precautions and keep yourself and the people around you safe from the dangers of this virus.
One major disadvantage that many are facing during this pandemic is that often, the coronavirus does not show any symptoms until some time has passed. An infected person may spread the infection to others in their vicinity before their own infection is identified, and they begin seeking treatment.
Once they are tested positive, however, the problem doesn’t end. The fact remains that the virus is able to survive for quite a while on various surfaces and that unless effort is made to disinfect these surfaces, there is a high risk of others getting infected as well.
This, however, is not the job of an average person.
While there are no obvious signs of hazard in a space that has been contaminated by the coronavirus, it is still extremely dangerous to be in, and even more dangerous to risk cleaning it up on your own. The virus is able to survive on many different surfaces, and these could include the most mundane of items, such as the tea kettle or a doorknob.
If an infected person were to touch these and transmit the virus onto them, any non-infected person who touches them could get sick themselves. Because the virus does not have any apparent symptoms for the first two weeks, this person could then go around spreading the virus to even more people.
The danger of this virus does not lie in its mortality rate, but its spread – one person is capable of spreading the strain to multiple others, who are then able to spread it further, all without even knowing that they themselves are also infected.
While health professionals and authorities have provided several precautionary measures, the average person may not fully understand the extent of its importance, and many of the reported infection cases are due to negligence and lack of proper care taken.
Attempting to clean up a COVID-19 site on your own doesn’t just put you at risk for catching the virus from touching items where the virus may be, but proper care in this regard still doesn’t cut it. While you can wear gloves and masks while cleaning, you never know when you might accidentally breathe in the virus, or if you miss out on a spot and end up catching the virus yourself.
Once you do so, you are not just putting yourself at risk, but also everyone who comes in contact with you, as well as everyone who will be using that space after you. There is also always the possibility that a clean space may get infected by someone who comes in to clean it, not knowing that they are also a carrier of the virus.
Cleaning up such a site is best left to the professionals.
The coronavirus, like many other strains, is a biohazard and should be dealt with as such.
Biohazard companies like Bio-One Duval County are not just well-equipped to deal with such problems in terms of their equipment, but also the mindset needed to enter such a dangerous site and clean it up in a way that makes sure to disinfect it, and not just clean it cosmetically.
Biohazard cleanup companies hire professionals who are well-prepared and knowledgeable about how to deal with major health risks like the coronavirus and can make sure that they take the proper precautions not only to avoid the spread of the virus from the site, but also to make sure that any and all items within the site itself are cleaned up properly, and no traces of the strain are left behind.
Additionally, biohazard companies have the proper licensing and equipment to get rid of any contaminated objects as biohazard waste, which you may not be able to do properly.
Since homes and companies cannot be ‘ridden of,’ it is important that you clean up the site properly to avoid any future spread of the coronavirus.
Preventive measures are the first line of defense when dealing with the pandemic. The best way to protect yourself and others is to make sure you are practicing good hygiene and following the recommendations outlined by the authorities.
Wash your hands for 20 seconds with soap and water as often as possible – every time you go to the bathroom, before and after eating, and after blowing your nose, coughing or sneezing.
Use alcohol-based disinfectr often.
Avoid touching your face, eyes, mouth, and nose with unwashed hands, and don’t touch them unnecessarily at all.
If you think you are sick, avoid going outside, as this may increase the risk of spreading. Stay at home, and isolate yourself in a room to keep your family members or anyone else you may live with from getting sick as well.
Disease outbreak is a nerve-wracking time, and many people may be suffering from anxiety about their future and their conditions, and having to worry about a virus cleanup can be an additional burden, especially if you are not equipped or trained to do it properly.
Call Bio-One Duval County and get the professional help you need to get your home or office cleaned up properly, and avoid any biohazard risks.
Unattended Death: Check on Elderly Often
If you know someone who is extremely old and lives on their own, then it’s a good idea to check up on them often. The phrase unattended death is used in a situation when a body is not discovered for a long time. This could be days to weeks or, in rare cases, months. These deaths are common in the elderly. In rare cases, this also happens in the wake of a homicide or a suicide. That is why it’s important to check on elderly often.
The longer the remains of a person are unattended, the more advanced the decomposition process will be.
There are 3 stages of decomposition:
· Autolysis (self digestion): Because of the absence of oxygen and waste building up, the body's cells get stressed and the amount of intra-cellular pH falls. The low pH level transforms the corpse into an acidic location that causes rupture of the membranes and releases enzymes that assimilate the cell thoroughly.
· Bloat: During this, several gases are formed as fungi, protozoa, and bacteria attack the dead tissue, liquefying it.
· Active decay: This is the last stage. During this, the muscles and fat are reduced to a foul-smelling and paste-like matter, with the microorganisms being joined by flies and different insects that do away with the remaining soft tissue.
A decomposing cadaver releases toxins and bacteria that can harm people and cause major property harm. In fact, a decomposed body may affect the livability of a home in simply a few hours. Therefore, it is essential to fully clean and disinfect the unattended death scene.
Once an unattended body is found, the cleanup, which is difficult, is generally handled by the family. No one should go through the traumatic experience of having to see their family member in the decomposition stages, and the biological matter left behind by a body can be dangerous.
Dealing with unattended deaths is difficult and traumatic should never be done on your own. Even a cleanup service can face difficulties in the process. But death cleanup specialists are trained and know how to handle these situations so you should leave the matter in their hands. They wear the appropriate gear and disinfect following safety rules. They also know how to dispose of waste in the proper manner.
Bio-one Duval County can help you in the case of unattended deaths. We offer comprehensive services for trauma and biohazard scenes such as suicide cleanup, blood spill cleanup, and decomposition or undiscovered death cleanup. All these can pose serious health problems if not dealt with properly. We realize the extent of harm and trauma they can cause so we provide professional, thorough, and safe services.